VLT Library & News
The latest insights and news from Vulcan Line Tools.
How to Collect Field Data on Power Poles
This article covers the primary methods for collecting field data on power poles: Manual Ground Inspection, LiDAR, Aerial Survey, and our method at Vulcan Line Tools which incorporates 360 imagery collection and analysis with Azmyth. Power pole data is important crucial to modernizing the grid.
Vulcan Line Tools Fuels Growth with $3M Capital Raise
Vulcan announces close of recent $3M funding round that is fueling growth of their software and operations.
Challenges and Solutions: What is OSP Fiber Network Design?
Fiber optic internet is essential for modern connectivity, but millions of Americans still lack access. Vulcan Line Tools offers efficient solutions for OSP fiber network design, helping communication companies expand high-speed internet access by streamlining the make-ready assessment process. OSP fiber networks help the world stay connected.
Storm Hardening the Distribution Grid with the 5k Dynamometer
In 2022, Florida’s grid was tested by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. Vulcan Line Tools’ 5k Dynamometer helps ensure the reliability and resilience of electric infrastructure by precisely measuring conductor tension during construction. Storm hardening the grid is crucial to minimizing the damage of storm surges on the economy and the livelihood of regular people.